



意大利Dolceria急凍精品蛋糕 意大利製造,大師級監製,材料正宗豐富 急凍甜品,即開即食。建議於室溫下擺放5至10分鐘,以取得最佳的品嚐效果。 上等材料製造 , 不含反式脂肪及防腐劑 , 食得健康又好美 An exclusive range of treasures of taste that recreate the pure pleasures of great Italian and international patisserie. Superior flavour resulting from: • top quality ingredients • traditional recipes of true finesse • haute patisserie craftsmanship No hydrogenated fats: to bring out to the full the natural flavour of the ingredients used in our recipes. No preservatives: for better storage we have chosen hi-tech chilling methods which preserve the taste properties in the fresh product. The ingredients used by Dolceria Alba are those found in good food guide standard patisserie, and the products are prepared by enthusiastic experts. The desserts are produced by modern methods and immediately frozen to preserve the freshness, purity and intensity of the flavours.

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